How To Reset Your Wardrobe

At minimum you should be resetting your wardrobe two times a year. Once at the start of spring, and again when fall comes around. These are the times to get rid of what’s not working, add what you need, and update the rest!

I know that any time you set out to edit and organize your wardrobe it can feel little like climbing a mountain. Overwhelming, you don’t know how to start, and you need a guide.

My friend, I am that guide and I will tell you where to start and help you reach the peak in one piece with a complete wardrobe. Let’s get started!

Get Rid Of….

Anything that that doesn’t fit your size, shape, or style. In addition, this is the time to move on from pieces that no longer serve you. Pieces that you used to wear to the office all the time, but now you work from home. Pieces that you used to wear out on Saturday night, but now you have family movie night on the weekends. Pieces that no longer have the value you need for your day-to-day life.

Pack Away…

Anything that won’t work for the next season. If you’re going into fall and winter, look for dresses that can’t be layered, fabrics like linen that aren’t warm enough, or patterns that are too beachy. If you are going into spring and summer, take out your wool and flannel, heavy sweaters, and any holiday patterns and prints.

Pull Out…

Everything you want for what’s ahead. Get all your shorts, sandals, and tank tops ready to go! Make sure your jackets, boots, and scarves are organized and ready.

But hang on!

Before you get too eager make sure everything you are putting in its place for the season is really what you want and is going to work. Make sure you give everything that’s been stored away a once over. Does it still fit your shape, style, and life? Is it in good condition or is it damaged?

Audit + Make A List Of…

Anything that needs to be added, updated, replaced. What did you get rid of at the end of last season that you need to replace this season? What did you pull out of storage that is worse for wear that needs to be updated? What are you missing that needs to be added?

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Seasonal Wardrobe Reset

Quick Guide


Fall Sweaters at Old Navy by Body Shape


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