What I learned from trying on 18 swimsuits in 1 day!

This past year I have been making transformations and revolutionizing different areas of my life. After having 2 babies in 2 years I was living in a fog. I felt frumpy, dumpy, and out of date. Finally, a year ago, I made some bold commitments to my self and made some major changes. I started moving my body, eating whole foods, eliminating things that dragged me down, and filling my cup up with things that lift me up.

Over the past year this journey has led me to purge my wardrobe of anything that wasn’t delivering the confidence and empowerment I wanted. As I have been getting rid of old things I’ve also been adding new and improved pieces to my closet. That brings us to this summer, and swimsuit season!

I’ve been getting messages and requests to comment on how to shop for and find a swimsuit that best fits different body types. After some thought I decided to leave it up to the experts. I scheduled a personal styling session a Nani Nalu, a local swim boutique, and had a swim fit expert guide me through the swimsuit try on process. I documented the whole thing, took pictures of every suit I tried on, and if you want to see the video click on over to my Instagram and watch the SWIM highlight.

After trying on 18 swimsuits in 1 day, here’s what I learned.

  1. Try on everything!!!!!

You will be so surprised what details, patterns, styles, and more you like and don’t like. We always go into shopping with our guards up and it can be intimidating trying something new and different. As a stylist and personal shopper my self my favorite thing to hear a client a say in the fitting room is “Oh, I like this and didn’t think I would!” Seriously, you’ve got to go with it. Trying pieces that are outside your box is an enlightening experience.

2. Don’t be shy about your size!

I am 5’8” and weigh 210 pounds. My size is what I like to call an “in-betweener”. I can fit into a missy size XL - XXL/16. Sometimes I can also wear a plus-size X-1X. In the beginning of my appointment I was trying on mostly XL. About half way through I asked if my fit specialist could bring some plus-size suits in size X. A whole new category of style and fit got opened up for me, and a lot of them felt much better!

3. It’s not just height that determines your length!

Staying the theme of size, let’s talk about the long torso. This fit issue comes up when trying on swimsuits more than any other garment. This can make a major impact if a one piece will fit or if a tankini will be long enough. I am an average height and have average height measurements. My arms, my legs, my torso are all average. But I love me a long torso swimsuit, because I have a big belly! I am an apple shape. This means I’m narrow at the bust/shoulder and hips, but very big and round in my midsection. Because my tummy fills up so much of the suit they often can fit short on me!

4. Get a little flirty!

There were a few suits I tried on that I was surprised I was interested in. My fit specialist brought in some suits with cold shoulders, deep necklines, and open backs. Some of them made it to the semi-finals but in the end they didn’t work out. You can find some swimwear with flirty details that still have support and full coverage. Don’t get me wrong I am pretty modest when it comes to dressing my self, but that doesn’t mean I’m frumpy and boring! You can be trendy at the pool too!

5. Dress your style!

If flirty isn’t your style maybe a more classic look is your thing. I am pushing 40 and have 2 toddlers. When I show up at the beach I want to look well-styled, put together, and feel my best. When you are in a swimsuit it is no time to feel insecure in a piece that doesn’t match your style. I am not one to ever talk about dressing your age, that ridiculous because that is such a relative term. That being said, I for sure have a different look I am going for at 39 than I did at 29. I loved the few suits I tried on that had a chic look!

6. Stop buying black swimsuits!

I tried on everything my fit specialist brought to me. I was open to trying different colors, but as our session went on I spoke up an asked if she could focus on finding some swim in my best colors. I asked for plums, olives, navys, blues, corals, and pinky/oranges. I don’t know about you but when you see me by the water I’m most likely not wearing make-up. Wearing your best colors will compliment you in your most natural state, and like I said before when you are in your swimsuit this is the time to feel your best!

7. It’s not about a 1 piece, 2 piece, or tankini!

A lot of us pigeon hole ourselves into thinking there is only one kind of swimwear we can wear based on our size, age, and body shape. That’s a lie! There is so much more that goes into finding the right fit. Don’t limit or restrict yourself based on false standards. Here are the more major fit points you need to pay attention to.

-cup size and fit through the bust

-support through the bust

-coverage through the rear

-how high the leg is cut

-how low the front is cut

-length of the torso

-rise of the brief/bottom

-support of the straps

-definition through the waist

-support of the fabric

With that I hope to see you all living your best life poolside and at the beach this summer!

If you want to keep up on more try-on sessions, client appointments, and other behind the scenes with Fashion Fix make to follow me over on Instagram!


Meet Sarah! A Goodwill shopping appointment.


Meet Jennafer - A Goodwill Shopping Appointment